Lindley Dental – dentist in Huddersfield

When you enter Lindley Dental in Huddersfield, you will be greeted with their friendly demeanour. At their practice, they are extremely proud of the treatments that they provide. They have a wide range of services from fillings, root canal treatment and full dentures. They put a large focus on preventative dentistry with dental health checks and maintenance & prevention also available.

Dental Health Check

Lindley Dental have a different standard for dental health checks. It isn’t just a quick look, they offer a comprehensive examination of your mouth but it isn’t too time consuming or designed to make you feel uncomfortable. The check takes place with four main steps. They examine your teeth, this is to look for any signs of decay or wear. Any pervious dental work you have had done will also be examined. Then the gums are checked for any sign of disease. Problems with your gums can cause extreme pain in the late stages, so it’s always best to spot it early. After this, they observe your soft tissue in your mouth. This is to look for any infections or signs of cancer. If found early, oral cancer can be treated. The final stage is testing your jaw joint. This is to investigate any pains or clicking and other noises.


Fillings are vital to general dentistry, Lindley Dental Centre are proud to offer a choice of filling materials for you to choose from. You can explore the options with them and find the best options for your needs and preferences. They offer silver fillings and a more modern option with modern white (a tooth colouring). Some white fillings can be directly applied, although larger examples are sent to a lab before being cemented in position.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment also called RCT can be a scary idea for people, especially if you’ve had a previously bad experience. At Lindley Dental, they take extra steps and measures to ensure you are comfortable throughout treatment. Every tooth has a soft mass called the pulp. When the tooth is healthy this has nerves and a blood supply, decay or injury can cause the pulp to become inflamed or even die. This can lead to several problems like infection or abscesses. The treatment is started with an x-ray in order to identify the number and shape of the canals. A local anaesthetic will be administered to ensure there is no discomfort. Preventative measure will be taken to ensure infection does not spread like using a rubber sheet around the tooth. The dentist will use fine instruments to remove the pulp and after this, the root will be filled. Depending on the condition of the tooth it may be recommend to have a crown fitted on the tooth.

If you would like to find out any more about the treatments mentioned or any other dental treatments, please contact the dental practice on the details shown below.

Tel: 01484 425192



Lindley Dental Centre

78 New Hey Road


Huddersfield, HD3 4AJ